Booking in your work.
Over the last twelve months we have been working hard to educate our
clients on booking in their work. Of course, we still get those who simply call
up and hope we can start their polishing the next day but overall most client
have embraced our systems.
We have numerous booking systems for your use so please take a few
minutes to check out which process suits you best:
You can simply call any of our three factories and tell our production
managers what work you have coming up.
You can email through a purchase order to any of our three production
managers or the main office.
You can fax through a purchase order to any of our three factories.
You can go online to our website and use the auto online booking form.
We can supply you with a pro forma booking sheet that you can just fill
in the details and fax it back to any factory.
We can supply the pro forma booking sheet in a soft version so that you
can fill in the details and email it back to our production managers.
If you need any clarification or further information please contact
Sharon at our head office on 9753 3733