Friday, 11 December 2020

Liming white finishes / Cerusing

Over the last few years we have seen a revival of a polishing system that dates back to the 1800s. Known as Liming White or Cerusing, it is the application of a white paste during the polishing process that results in a white fleck in the pores of the timber.

We were first asked to apply this finish to a project in a home in Toorak in 2013. The client had spent just over twelve months looking for someone to apply a finish she had seen during her trip to Europe. When a picture from a magazine was shown to Craig at our office he was able to recall having polished using this process only once. That was 35 years ago when he was still an apprentice.

A little research and by digging out some old polishing books he had stored away Craig was able to manufacture the white paste and train up one of our polishers on how to apply this rather unique finish.

Over the last few years we have seen more and more of this finish. As a number of flooring companies start to use this finish on their flooring imported from Europe we see designers starting to copy these flooring samples onto their joinery.

The Cerusing can be applied in a multitude of colours and can also be applied over stained timber or clear polished timber. As a result there are endless colour options available.

We have applied white cerusing over grey stain, as seen above. We have applied white cerusing over fumed oak as well as black cerusing over clear polished oak, as shown below.

This polishing system works best on open grained timber such as American and European Oak. As it is a hand applied finish it can be quite expensive to complete but as you can see from the photos, It is quite an impressive finish