Friday, 12 June 2020

Designing specialised finishes

Having operated in the polishing industry for over 35 years, there aren’t many finishes we haven’t applied to our customers’ joinery. From french polish to two pack lacquer, from single pack to anti-graffiti lacquer we have either sprayed it, researched it or tested it.

With our team of tradesman being drawn from every sector of the polishing and spray painting industry we also have a huge bank of technical knowledge available to draw from when a customer needs expert advice. Currently our team draws together over 250 years of experience.

Utilising this experience and technical knowledge we have for many years now offered a design service for Interior decorators, architects and home owners. Often we will be given a brief overview of what the client is looking for or perhaps a picture torn from a magazine. Our job is to then design a polishing or painting system to recreate the finish the client is after.

In recent years, we have developed several unusual polishing systems encompassing traditional finishes that haven’t been in common use for 50 years or more. This design service can sometimes take a day or two to complete or it has been known to take two to three months, depending on the exact needs of the client.

Probably the most difficult system we have been asked to design was a house lot of American Oak joinery which had to match some imported flooring.

The joinery was first treated with Ammonia to remove the tannins from the oak veneer. This changed the colour of the veneer to create a greenish brown tone. It was then sealed with a clear sealer. Next came the application of a white cerrusing paste which left white paste in all the pours of the timber. A final clear matt finish was then applied giving an exact match to the flooring sample.

At the initial design stage Craig spent two months on research and development and produced more than 30 samples. Each sample was slightly different in colour and texture to the previous versions. The problem with this particular job was a common issue we have with designing finishes, in that every time the client viewed a sample her ideas on what she wanted slightly changed and the more options she saw the more new ideas she came up with. Ultimately a final decision was made and the joinery was completed.

Often our design service is as simple as a quick sample and immediate approval by the client but sometimes it can be quite an involved process. It all depends on what the client is trying to achieve with the materials they have available and cost structures that need to be adhered to.

If you or your client ever need advice or assistance in designing the perfect finish, simply call Craig to discuss your needs.