Friday, 21 August 2020

Differing Qualities of MDF

In any given week we can have joinery in our factories from as many as 30-40 different cabinet makers and shopfitters. We can have as much as 1000 square meters of joinery on site at any one time from our clients. At least half will be MDF joinery and the other half is made up of timber, aluminium, glass, etc.

So its safe to say we see a lot of MDF from one week to the next.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Different types of stains

As part of the day to day production here at Simmonds Polishing we are often called on to stain joinery to match a sample. Sometimes staining is required so that a desired colour can be achieved using a light coloured timber and often it is required to achieve a designer look that can’t be achieved using traditional timber, (such as a lime white finish or perhaps an unusual colour like red or blue).