Friday, 29 May 2020

Colour variations using different pigments to achieve the same colour

Colour matching is perhaps the most misunderstood and most frustrating part of our business. Colour can be affected by so many outside factors that it is almost impossible to have every colour in your home matching exactly.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Colours affected by surrounding décor and lighting

Coloured paint finishes and the affect of the surrounding décor and lighting, on those paint finishes is an interesting subject and one that many consumers do not understand. It is an issue that can cause much angst for the customer which in turn filters down to the joiner and the polisher.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Colour matching Timber flooring

For the past 35 years stain requests were made, by us being given a sample that had been produced by another polisher or perhaps a sample card from a stain supplier. We might receive a drawer from an item of furniture, or even a stain sample wiped onto a piece of timber by a designer or architect.